Everything you need to know about Kasidie and the sexually adventurous lifestyle.

Are you looking for uninhibited adult fun?

Is it all about sex?

Our/my profile is anonymous?

Who is "Kasidie"?

What privacy tools are there?

Free? Really? For how long?

Is everyone on Kasidie a swinger?

For an inside look at all the incredible stuff Kasidie has to offer...

"What is the Lifestyle?"

"Swinging?... Isn't that the same thing as cheating?"

"I'm married or in a relationship and am only interested in the Lifestyle so I can meet people and cheat behind my spouse's back. Am I a horrible person?"

"Aren't swingers all older retired people? Is there anyone young in the Lifestyle?"

"How many people are there? What are they like?"

"Gosh! You've had sex with all those different people?!"

"Doesn't wanting sex with other people mean that swingers must be unhappy in their own relationships?"

"If my spouse really loved me, wouldn't I be the only one they think about having sex with?"

"So will joining the Lifestyle help fix an unhappy relationship?"

"Is this all about sex?"

"Why do people join the Lifestyle?"

"What is the impact on relationships?"

"What about jealousy?"

"Isn't the Lifestyle bad for the children of swingers?"

"What about diseases?"

"Is everyone bisexual?"

"Clubs vs parties?"

"On-Premise vs Off-Premise?"

"What to expect on your first visit?"

"Who's in charge?"

"Are people pushy or aggressive?"

"What is a 'Unicorn'?"

"What about single males?"

"What are your favorite things about being in the Lifestyle?"